Wednesday, August 15, 2012


Since when I learned I was pregnant my dear friends have already sent me some very special gifts for our little bean! I'm so in love and can not wait to see my baby in these outfits!! We don't know yet if is a boy or girl but I think yellow goes well for either a boy or a girl, and I loooove yellow!!!

from titia Vanessa

from titia Greice

from titia Marcia

from Loma Linda Hospital

Aren't they cute?? And there are more from titia Marta who lives in Northern CA and gave us so many stuff for the baby, play mat, bassinet, bath tube, chair, everything so cute, I can't wait to drive there and bring everything home! 
Obrigada titias, voces sao muito especias pra nos e para o nenem!!! Nenem vai dar muitos beijinhos e babadinhas em voces quando ele chegar :)

"A faithful friend is a sturdy shelter; he who finds one finds a treasure."

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